Pets As Gifts:

When I think about a cute little puppy given as a gift whether for Christmas, birthdays or maybe as a sweet Valentine’s Day gift it makes me feel happy that a pet is finding their forever home but I also feel anxious because I know the reality of that commitment is overshadowed by the idea of a puppy. The idea being this new addition will adapt quickly and understand all that is expected of them. Since becoming a trainer I’ve met some great families who have only the best intentions but don’t understand how a dog relates to us or how they compute information. For my first time dog owners I always remind them that a new puppy is just like a baby you won’t know what they are trying to communicate until you establish a routine with boundaries, a lot of playtime and patience. Your dog will need time to decompress feel at ease with all the family members. Dogs feed off our energy constantly so maintaining a calm in the household is very important ND It’s at least a fifteen year commitment . I don’t understand when a family who’s had their dog for ten-plus years just suddenly decides to surrender them .. please people that’s when your pet needs you the most! My Max is thirteen years old and I could never let him spend his senior years in a loud shelter all alone wondering were his family went our pets feel sadness and that kind of sadness could make a dog shut down . There are other scenarios where a person gets annoyed because they did not choose this gift for themselves and are not interested in the commitment and care of a pet so then it’s returned which can be a strike against the dog making it more challenging to to find a new family or owner. What’s your take on Pets as Gifts?

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